My election themes

Human rights

Human rights do not progress by themselves, they require determined action and courageous defenders. All political issues must be seen from a human rights perspective. This means, among other things, ensuring that services for the elderly are implemented so that people are treated with dignity. A human rights-based policy on substance abuse and mental health means that adequate and quality care is provided for people who may never recover. The level of basic income must be raised, as everyone has the right to an adequate income. Social and health care resources must be put in order. The right to health must be a reality for everyone, regardless of background. My goal is a Finland that does not discriminate against anyone and is a model country for human rights globally. No compromise on human rights!


We must continue to pay tribute to education. Everyone has the right to education of high quality, regardless of background. Every student who is entitled to special support should receive it. Support for learning must be increased at all levels of education. Smaller class sizes, more adult professionals in schools. We need to improve the working conditions and raise salaries for early childhood education and care workers. Increase funding for higher education, research and science. Skills and education levels need to be raised, but with full compensation for entry places in higher education. Funding for education!


Tackling the climate and environmental crisis is the most important task of our time. We must act now. Without adequate action, we will pay a high price, in ecological, financial and human terms. We must stop the loss of nature and restore carbon sinks. Habitats must also be viable for future generations. The loss of nature, species and biodiversity as part of the ecocrisis is an existential threat. Restoration and repair of carbon sinks are vital for the recovery of Finnish nature. Eradicating poverty and combating inequality are also climate actions, as the poorest people in the world are the ones who suffer most from global warming. The climate crisis will not wait!